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Electrical Measuring Instruments

Batteries are a driving force for a variety of innovations as we move towards a sustainable society.

Batteries are used in an array of applications, and their performance can be a driving force for a variety of innovations and new lifestyles. The development and production of high-quality batteries will play an essential role as we work to realize a sustainable society. At the same time, therefore, growing improvements in battery life cycle assessment have become a major priority. the focus on reducing CO2 emissions throughout the entire life cycle by means of improvements in manufacturing processes and reuse of high-quality batteries is increasing. HIOKI battery testers are helping resolve these issues through an electrical measurement approach.

High-Precision Measurement Solutions

Improving Motor Performance and Quality​​​​​​. Hioki offers a diverse array of motor measurement solutions that can be used in applications ranging from performance analysis to quality testing. The ability to assess and analyze using high-precision measurement technologies provides valuable assistance to engineers as they work to increase motor performance and quality.